MS Antivirus 2008

MS Antivirus 2008, also known as MSAntivirus 2008 and a clone of XP Antivirus 2008, is a rogue anti-spyware program. You may have downloaded MS Antivirus 2008 thinking it would solve your spyware issues, or it may have infected your computer with the help of Trojan Zlob or Vundo usually found bundled with fake video codecs.

Once you're infected with Zlob, it will use aggressive advertising methods to push it's rogue website and sell its product, claiming to be able to clean your computer from spyware. Zlob's deceptive methods include: fake warning alert popups and system notification messages in the Taskbar. The links on the fake warning messages lead to a rogue website where you'll be convinced to download the a trial version of MS Antivirus 2008.

MS Antivirus 2008 is able to emulate a system scan and report a list of supposed infections to scare you and to push you into buying the full MS Antivirus 2008 version. This approach is to lead you to believe that you're infected with a load of spyware, when, in reality, is MS Antivirus 2008 the cause of the spyware. MS Antivirus 2008 is able to emulate a system scan and report a list of supposed infections to scare you and to push you into buying the full MS Antivirus 2008 version. MS Antivirus 2008 may launch on every Windows startup.