Spy Sweeper 5.0

Webroot has just released Spy Sweeper 5.0. You can rest assured that Spy Sweeper 5.0 builds off the success of its earlier versions. Users of 5.0 will find these great new features:

* New User Interface - The home page has been modified so you can quickly view the latest information about recent spyware sweeps and alerts.

Smart Shields - a brand new keylogger shield to block keyloggers and system monitors from recording your keystrokes from programs that include e-mail, instant message conversations and any other types of programs where you could be typing in confidential and private information such as your passwords and credit card numbers.

Updated Rootkit Discovery - rootkit detection has been brought to a new level with their enhanced rootkit detection service.

Updated Detection and Removal of threats - Spy Sweeper 5.0 has been enhanced to fight the newest version of threats that are out on the internet.

The new version of Spy Sweeper 5.0 will run on Windows 2000 and XP including home, professional and media center. The best part about this new release is that existings users of Spy Sweeper will eventually be able to upgrade to the new version.

Spy Sweeper is your best choice for protecting your computer on the internet. With the help of Phileas (Webroot's own malware crawler that is constantly searching for new threats before they get to your computer) you can be certain that you will be purchasing the most dependable spyware protection program on the market today.