Quick Heal antivirus is security software designed for personalized use on PCs. Still to be rated among the top-line of anti-viruses, Quick Heal antivirus offers some remarkable features that needs a mention. The anti virus software made a significant breakthrough with the release of its Next Generation Anti-Virus Plus 2007 edition that combined the proactive and reactive technologies to provide a comprehensive security solution. It detects and removes viruses, worms and Trojans automatically as well as scans and cleans infection from a system. Quick Heal has a powerful and an optimized scan engine for faster virus scan. The latest edition, Quick Heal Anti Virus Plus 2009 comes with 5 protection tools that include AntiVirus, Antispyware, Firewall, AntiMalware and AntiRootkit. To have a deeper insight, we decided to delve into the antivirus.
Let's have a look into its key features
Clear and intuitive interface but looks a bit novice.
It detects and removes the viruses, worms and trojans. The antivirus automatically scans for infection in emaili attachments and Internet downloads.
It works fairly against the spywares, inhibiting them from being installed in the PC. It blocks their activities of identity theft automatically. It monitors all incoming connections automatically. Detects and removes latest adwares, dailers, bots and riskwares
The Firewall Professional powered by Agnitum Outpost is effective in prohibiting the hackers and thieves from accessing your PC. It offers protection against known and unknown internal and external network based attacks.
It features a new advanced scanning engine that scans registry, files and folders quicker. Anti-virus Lite
Quick Heal Antivirus Plus 2009 performs deep scan of your PC to detect and remove the hidden rootkits.
Native boot scan
Quick Heal can be scheduled for Native Scanning of your PC at next boot. It will scan and clean the drives at the boot time the start-up. This allows detection and removal of the rootkits, spywares, loggers and some critical trojans.
DNAScan Technology
This is an exclusive technology is not dependent on upgrades to detect the Spywares, Trojans, Bots, Spywares, Riskwares etc. It scrutinizes the genes of the program to detect if it has any malicious intent. The technology has been designed to tackle the ever increasing virus and spyware works without the signature updates. It takes care of these frequent outbreaks before the signature updates are available.
The messenger system not only notifies about the updates but also the latest hoaxes or patches available.
Hijack Restore tool
It helps you to restore your default IE settings that might have been modified by adware and online viruses.
rack Cleaner
help you to erase all your internet and Windows history to have complete privacy. You can clean your recent file history, Wordpad history, Winzip history, Winrar history and Windows Media Player lists in two clicks.
Process Manager
It monitors all types of running applications and processes to help you find out suspected processes and adware.
Window Spy
This is a handy tool that helps you to know details of any application just by dragging and dropping it.
Online protection
Quick Heal comes with a real time virus scanner that keeps an eye on the processes running in your system and online processes. This ensures that the problems and viruses are stopped before they infect your PC. The Email scanner and Firewall provide full protection against external threat like viruses or adware.
System Compatibility
Runs on most platforms, from desktop to servers including Linux.
Compatible Platforms
* Windows 2000 Professional/Server/Advanced Server
* Windows XP Home/Professional
* Windows XP 64-bit
* Windows Server 2003 Enterprise/Standard/Web
* Windows 2003 64-bit
* Windows Vista Ultimate/Home Premium/Home Basic/Business/Enterprise
* Windows Vista 64-bit
* Windows Server 2008 Enterprise/Standard/Web
* Windows Server 2008 64-bit
* Quickheal antivirus consumes less resources.
* It offers options like memory scanning, integration with outlook, eduora and office.
* quick Heal Antivirus Plus offers an Emergency Bootable CD that may come in handy when your native scan is not doing the trick.
* Problems with reinstallation
* Shows some false positives
With the recent upgrades Quick Heal Antivirus Plus has turned into a powerful antivirus. It is not just a security tool, but also offers system care and maintenance. What still remains to be considered is that Quick heal doesn't find a position in the league of top antivirus. However, its feature packed security solution offers remarkable features that makes one of the most trusted anti-virus.